What was I thinking?

My recent column in BusinessWeek Online drove a bunch of feedback my way, most of it very positive. 

Thanks, Mom! 

(just kidding)

While I did get a lot of great feedback, some of it doubted my sincerity.  "Diego, you’re the biggest car dude I know, " most of it goes.  "Surely you can’t be serious about Saturn?  Don’t they suck?  That was all facetious, right?"

My answer is a big, fat "no".  Everything I said in my column was heartfelt.  I really believe in Saturn the brand and in the Saturn Sky.  I think the Saturn Sky is stunning and will provide a wonderful driving experience.  In fact, if Cadillac and Saturn were the two brands of a standalone car company, I’d be first in line to buy stock.

Tooting It Without Blowing It…

In other news, metacool appeared in several legitimate (read: print) business publications over the past few months:

Fast Company’s article made me want to pick up the phone and call my mom:  "… Rodriguez’s blog is a must-read for anyone who wants to incorporate design thinking into their work."

Beauty, eh?

And the title of this post?  From a book I heartily recommend: Brag!  The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn without Blowing it

meta metacool 24 2004

Some business bloggers (including yours truly) are collecting their top 24 personal blog posts of 2004 over at A Penny For.  So without further ado, here’s the metacool Top 24 for 2004:



