More d.schooling

A few posts back I mentioned a flashmob created by students at the Stanford  Here’s another article about the class behind that event.  Some of my favorite soundbites:

"Design thinking is a different way of thinking," said Alex Kazaks, a member of the course’s teaching team. "There are all different kinds of intelligences, and one of these is creative intelligence. Design thinking is an analog for that. This is not something usually taught in a university setting, and we’re trying to make it available to students."

"In the GSB, we look at case studies and analyze and talk," said Management Science and Engineering Prof. Bob Sutton, a founding member of the "The whole is based on doing stuff in interdisciplinary teams."

"This is a class for students interested in leading teams and leading innovation within teams," said teaching team member Perry Klebahn.

"We had to spend eight hours making changes that are meant to increase bike safety on campus, and we had to actually do something, not just plan it," said second-year GSB student Max Pulido London – one of the group that staged the White Plaza bike accident.