No matter how carefully you design a brand experience for customers, bad things will happen. Some will simply be beyond your control. Recent heart bypass surgery recipients will waltz into your store, try to use the restroom, and end up glued to the toilet seat in a lonely stall.
No, this isn’t something out of The Onion: Man’s glued ass spurs lawsuit
The only question is, how far would you be willing to go to rectify this?
“glued to the toilet seat” – Sounds like a college experience I once had! 😉 The redesign of dorm bathrooms would be a great challenge.
Yes, redesigning them to enhance “crawlability” to toilets would be a fantastic enhancement.
did you say “rectalfy”
Ahh.. you beat me to the rectum pun… 🙂
I can see his point, BUTT I think I need to sit on this story for awhile. I don’t think his case will stick. You never know what will happen when one approaches the seat of justice. Perhaps he should simply turn the other cheek.