I saw this video clip earlier this week. I love it.
In it I see the following principles we've been discussing over the past few weeks:
Principle 1: Experience the world instead of talking about experiencing the world
Principle 6: Life life at the intersection
Principle 8: Most new ideas aren't
Good artists copy, great artists steal
Diego Rodriguez’s thought for the day sums up where great ideas come from. http://metacool.typepad.com/metacool/2009/05/metacool-thought-of-the-day.html
I’m with you, I really like the quote and feel it reflects a kind of natural instinct I’ve had running through my work for a long time.
It also made me wonder about childhood experiences where I would look around and build things from whatever I could find; orange crates, abandoned ham radio equipment, duct tape, etc.
Is there inside us a natural idea gathering, prototype developer that gets discouraged over time and disappears?
Keep creating…ideas worth stealing,