Clap. It’s a verb, but it’s also a noun highly correlated with another popular verb which I can’t use within the limits of metacool’s PG-13 language decency protocol. And, as I’ve just learned, Clap is also the brand name of an automotive engine therapy product which supposedly features nanotechnology.
Just what were the Clap marketers thinking? Now, over the years I’ve been known to apply scatological appellations to certain things I’ve run across in the product development funnel, but never have I ventured into the realm of social diseases as a source of naming inspiration. But maybe — and this is a bit of a stretch — maybe there’s a touch of genius at work here. As a brand name, Clap is so bad it’s good, and – who knows? – it just might be the magical message which really connects with the demographic/psychographic market segment of males who really believe engine treatments will work wonders on their clapped-out Chevy smallblocks. Good marketing takes guts.
Diego, don’t forget that Christmas favorite, the Clapper.
Also ran across this great site looking for it:
Thanks Houston