Tomorrow I’ll be part of a panel discussion at Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations of the Future, a conference presented by Harvard Business School.
Professor Jim Heskett will be moderating our panel. He’s written a provocative post on the HBS Working Knowledge website about tomorrow’s discussion. There’s on open invitation there to leave your comments, ideas, and thoughts on the subject. Please do so, as we’ll be tackling at least some of them in the time we have tomorrow together, and the discussion will continue online through December 18.
The agenda of speakers at the conference is simply mind-blowing. I expect to walk away with more than a few new ideas and insights, all of which will no doubt make their way in to metacool. The entire conference is being held in honor of Professor Thomas K. McCraw, author of my favorite book of the year, Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction.
My time at Harvard Business School changed my view of the world in many ways, and as a result fundamentally changed my life. It is very meaningful to me to be back on campus exploring design, innovation, technology, business, and life.
Every time I return to campus, I am surprised at both how little things change (in some ways, the faces seem the same) and how much they change (how many new classroom buildings does a graduate school need?) Sounds like it was a very cool conference!