Neato stuff going on everywhere


Wow!  Look at all this innovative stuff my friends are up to.  This is all so fun, I’ve gotta share it with you:

  • Bob just shipped ArseMail.  Send one to a friend.
  • Reilly was kind enough to post this crashtacular video on his magazine’s blog.  The management here at metacool recently instructed us to make dramatic cuts in the number of violent, automotive-themed videos on display, so I’m having to resort to asking my friends to post the killer videos I stumble upon.  Oh, what a pity to see a tasty Glas GT barrel rolled.  Oh, and be sure to wear your seatbelt when carving up a roadcourse in your Beetle.  Yikes — remind me never to drive a car with swing axles or a trailing arm rear suspension.  Oh wait, there’s one in my garage.  Never mind…
  • Brian is starting to market Golaces.  I love this product, and have them on my "New Beetle" Converse shoes.  They turn any lace shoe in to a slip-on, and they’re a promotional marketer’s dream.  Brian is a former student of mine over at the, so this stuff makes me especially happy.
  • Russell is starting a conference called Interesting2007, scheduled for June.  Where does he get the energy to do everything he does?  And how is there enough time in the day to do it all?  And with such panache?  Good on you, Russell.  I want to go — sounds like there will be good cakes served.

How cool is it to live in a time where everyone can have a website to show what they’re up to?  Life is good.

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